Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

Vamos Mataram Biangbola In Action: Successful Test Run

Vamos Mataram success defeating Biangbola in the test matches that took place at the Queeen Futsal, Bandung, Friday (30/1/2016) yesterday.

The two teams that are doing the centrality of practice (TC) to play in a Pro Futsal League (PFL) 2017 is showing their best players except those are injuries, Vamos without Ismail Macil and Andriyana.

The match took place with Vamos defeated Biangbola by a score of 3-1. The third goal scored by Oggy Vamos Atman, Andri Kustiawan, and Bambang Bayu Saptaji. While one goal scored by Subhan Biangbola reply Faidasa.

Both teams are still going melakoni LY in Bandung until just PFL 2017 in February next year. Vamos and Biangbola themselves are in different areas, Biangbola in the West, while Vamos in the eastern region.

Vamos Mataram Biangbola In Action: Successful Test Run

In addition to seeking representative category of AFF Futsal in son's Club Championship in Futsal Congress 2017, Indonesia on Friday (30/1/2016) in MNC Tower, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, also specify category representative daughter.

In a meeting before Congress on consolidation of the night harinua (29/12/2016) defending champion AFF Futsal Club 2016 daughter, Jaya Kencana Angels have yet to give an answer when asked kesanggupannya return pageant.

But in Congress, the JK Angels claimed to be ready to defend the trophy again in the category of AFF champion daughter.

"Unlike the son, yet no daughter category Asian level but only AFF. So the Princess League champion plays on AFF. Well I already are told the same JK if he turns out to be willing to participate again, "said Edhi Joon, Secretary General of the Federation of Futsal Indonesia, during the Congress.

Laga AFF Futsal Club 2017 itself was held on 3-10 April in which at that date the League of futsal in Indonesia is not yet finished.
Futsal Federation of Indonesia finally chose Victor Hermans, former coach of the Thailand national team in Netherlands for the origin of the menukangi Futsal Indonesia.

Vamos Mataram Biangbola In Action: Successful Test Run

The announcement was delivered by the Chairman of the FFI, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, delivered in Indonesia, Thursday Futsal Kongresi (11/29/2016) in MNC Tower, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta.

"We decided to pick the Victor Hermans from the Netherlands. He has already coached Thailand, "said HT that greeted the applause of the participants of the Congress Futsal Indonesia.

In addition, Vic Hermans was also scheduled to arrive in early January is in Indonesia to use the short time to prepare the national futsal AFF Futsal Championship admits Indonesia 2016 held on 23-26 January 2017.

"Hopefully He can get in early January and start practicing," said HT.

VIC Hermans himself would likely maximize squads ever deploying the concentration exercises in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, led by Dadang Iskandar and disbanded last October.
Legendary futsal goalkeeper Indonesia, Yos Adi Wicaksono claims to be very pleased with the election Victor Herman national futsal team as a coach Indonesia.

Although the new futsal national team will tackle in January 2017, but the presence of Vic is expected to revamp the futsal Indonesia better. Yaw greetings Yos Adi ever wish Indonesia futsal can be accomplished again.

"Well, hopefully Mr. vic can change perfutsalan Indonesia in all aspects. Harapanya hopefully Indonesia futsal achievers, "said Yaw to Bolalob.

Yaw myself have often faced with Vic Hermans national futsal team when handling Thailand. At that time, the national team has always been the difficulty points from Thailand who handled Vic Hermans.
Xeniagreekmuslimah Runtuboy claims to be very enthusiastic about the election of Vic Hermans national futsal team as a coach Indonesia.

Vamos Mataram Biangbola In Action: Successful Test Run

Although the new futsal national team will tackle in January 2017, Ardi stating if Coach Vic has a lot of science that could be transmitted to the progress of futsal Indonesia. ARDI himself got coaching clinic of Coach Vic while him defending the FC Pingdus Surabaya.

"He's a good ngelatih for us. Multiply a lesson from Coach Vic since it's got a lot of material, "says Ardi to Bolalob.

"The expectation may be changed (futsal Indonesia) in future better and nice again from the previous years," pungkasnya.
Xeniagreekmuslimah Runtuboy really become new Idol lovers of futsal in the country.

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After his team, the Black Steel Manokwari underwent a trial game against the Black East in GOR Dramaga IPB, Friday (30/1/2016) afternoon, Ardi directly invaded futsal lovers to take pictures with, good boy, girl students, the general audience to the children that come directly FROM HIGH SCHOOL to watch.

ARDI ever seemed to patiently accept request from fans to fans. Don't forget there are asking for signatures of Ardi. In addition to Ardi, other fans invaded the retainer, like Kendra Pradipta which does have a look menajadi it girl fans.

Hopefully, futsal in Indonesia go ahead, growing, and increasingly trkenal society sehinggaa the performers really become new idol in Indonesia, not only football players only.

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